She Slept. Geneva, Switzerland: Offshoots VII, 2003.
Perspective. ReadingDivas, 2003.
Torrone. ReadingDivas, 2003.
- eye for an eye…a tooth for a tooth. Poets Against War, 2003.
The Pin. Boulder, CO: Bombay Gin #30, 2004.
Ellis Island, Boulder, CO: Bombay Gin #31, 2005.
Work Backwards, Boulder, CO: Transmission, 2005.
Pulling Forward, NotEnoughNight, Boulder, CO: Fall 2006.
On A Road Trip East, Kamloops, Canada: Green Stone Mountain Review, 2006.
Found Black Memory, Kamloops, Canada: Green Stone Mountain Review, 2006.
Early Closing, Admit Two, 2007.
Les Moules, The Alembic, 2007.
The Saran Sisters Discuss Life Sentients: or redundancy serves no one, Admit Two, 2008.
Contemplative Practices For People of Color, Core Contemplative Competencies, Garrison Institute, 2008.
The Del Mar Writing Project, Once Upon A School,
Like Bob Dylan Plays It, Coe Review, 2008.
Forest Rat, Beasts At Bay, Bay Park Press, 2009.
In Golden Gate Park That Day, What The World Hears, anthology, 2009.
Coconut Swash Zone Ocean, EPA, Rachel Carson “Sense of Wonder” [collaboration] 2009.
Trusting The Flow, Admit Two, 2009.
Climbing, Found Poetry Review, 2011
Inheritance, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2012-13
The Dangers of Being a Bad Host, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2013-14
Baby on the Elevator, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2014-15
The Teeth of Arrogance, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2015-16
Falling Against the Glass Door, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2015-16
I am the Dragon, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2016-17
In the Crease Live the Muses, San Diego Poetry Annual, 2016-17
Microplastic, Touching the Earth Collective, 12/2020
A Brief Encounter with an America Pika, Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle, 1/2022
The Charm of Hummingbirds, Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle, 6/2022
How to Get More Out of Your College Tours, College Confidential, 11/2022
Want Less Stress in 2023? Spend Time in Nature, College Confidential, 12/2022
A Solid Résumé is Worth the Effort for More Reasons Than You Can Imagine, College Confidential, 4/2023
Who Among Us, Hoffman Center for the Arts, 2024